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The year 2020 is one of the most challenging, if not the most challenging, years. The pandemic, economic fallout, and social unrest have taken a toll on the collective mental health. Reports of increased incidences of anxiety, depression, and pandemic stress disorder have translated into a greater need than ever for Niraxx Light Therapeutic’s portable, on-demand brain health care solution.

And in the spirit of the new year, what do you have in mind for your resolutions? According to a new Urban Plates/Ipsos poll, nearly 40% of Americans plan to have a resolution(s) for 2021, with at least one in four saying they will focus more on mental health. Compared to a year ago, the top health goals were eating healthier (51%) and being more active (50%), with about 42% wanting to lose weight.

Here are three reasons why brain health is important.

1. Brainpower 

Like the hard-to-argue truism of “you are what you eat,” your whole-body health and wellness are also very much inseparable from your brain health.  Because your brain is involved in everything you do—this three-pound supercomputer of yours uses 20% of the body’s energy every day to power your thoughts, memory, movement, and emotions—its fitness directly impacts how you think, feel, act and interact with other people.

 2. Disease Prevention 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines brain healthy as an ability to perform all the mental processes of cognition. But there is growing scientific evidence showing that brain health impacts more than neurological disorders and cognitive decline. The interplay between brain fitness and physical health includes conditions like blood pressure, cardiovascular health, diabetes, and obesity.

3. One Brain 

Many things can harm brain health, including hormonal imbalances, being overweight, lack of sleep, lack of new learning, and head trauma. You have one brain, so treat it well.

Better brain health improves your ability to achieve your goals and handle whatever 2021 throws at you. So it’s official, let’s dedicate 2021 to better brain health. Recharge your mind, recharge life!

Your brain is unique so don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to your brain health. To learn more about our safe, portable, on-demand solution, visit our Science & Technology page.

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